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Graffzity is a graffiti and street art project that builds murals & creates IRL experiences for web3 projects.

Our vision is to help bridge the gap between web3 and the real world with the creation of IRL murals for other NFT projects.

Our first collection “Pets R’ Us”

About Us

Welcome to the vibrant world of art, technology, and boundless creativity! We are an extraordinary team of visionary artists, talented developers, passionate graffiti writers, and dedicated NFT enthusiasts.

We are based in San Diego, CA, with a reach that spans across the USA. Together, we build captivating art murals in San Diego, Los Angeles, and Las Vegas, while exploring the incredible realm of graffiti and Web3.

Our OG collection, Pets R’ Us, minted on the Cardano Blockchain and was meticulously crafted by the acclaimed artist from REBORNZ and showcases the fusion of digital art and blockchain technology.

Join us as we redefine the possibilities of art and embark on a journey through vibrant expression and decentralized creativity. Welcome to the future of artistic exploration!

Boss Planet Metaverse

We chose the Boss Planet metaverse to build on. Currently the project design for our seaside estate is being developed by Mag and Nala.

We are building a city inspired by Los Angeles, California. You will be able to access our estate if you own a Boss Cat Rocket Club Vox Cat asset and a Pets R’ Us NFT.

To learn more about this innovative metaverse please visit: 

Become a Partner

We’re looking for high quality and passionate NFT project founders to join us!

To join Graffzity and become our mural partners. Investment starts at $1,950 US Dollars. Crypto is accepted. Upon making your investment you will receive.

  • One Mural Art Piece in San Diego, L.A. or Las Vegas
  • Professional Promo Video and photography of the mural.
Our current partners include:

Angel Baby Hit Squad, Space Pugs, The Mallard Order, Wild Tangz, Dbag Mfers & Stank Ape Speakeasy and Boss Cat Rocket Club.

Our Team

Erick Magana a.k.a. Mr. Mag

Co-Founder and Project Lead

Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast of the Semantics, a large language ocean. A small river named Duden flows by their place and supplies it with the necessary regelialia. It is a paradisematic country, in which roasted parts of sentences fly into your mouth.

Randy De Leon a.k.a. REBORNZ

Co-Founder and artist.

Father and husband first. Randy is a digital artist, graphic designer and old school graffiti artist from the streets of Los Angeles. Randy runs a successful sticker and print shop with his brother in LA.

Zack Wetzel

Discord Manager

Early adopter of Crypto, Zack has a passion for 3D modeling, design and animation. One of his biggest strengths is building community and nurturing relationships.


Community Manager & Poker Goddess

A veteran, who served in the Marine Corps for Active duty as well as the Air National Guard and Air Force Reserves. She is a wife and mother to three kids and an active community member of Cardano. Her obsession are JPGs and hobbies are poker and coffee.

Tyler McVety

Minting Developer

Tyler from Tygar Pool is our minter. He's been an investor in Cardano since 2018 and has run Tygar Stakepool for over a year now. Outside of the crypto space his hobbies include sailing and playing pinball.


Art designer

Nala is a professional voxel art designer.


What wallet is advisable to use for minting?

We launched on Cardano blockchain, you can use wallets such as Nami, Daedalus, Yoroi, Eternl etc. Do not send ADA from any exchange (Binance, Coinbase, etc.) or your funds will be lost.

How can I become a mural art piece partner?

Investment starts at $1,950 USD and can be payable with crypto. Please reach out on this form for more information.

Are royalties charged on resale?

Yes. 5% Royalties will go towards the further development of the project.


    We’d love to hear from you! Reach out to us at for any inquiries or feedback.